Exactly one week ago, Anthony Bosworth was found guilty of carrying a gun on federal property. You can read the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for a summary of the arguments, and the court findings.
This was my first time attending a federal trial and while I expected manifestations of tyranny, injustice and double standard, what impressed me the most was the the cluelessness of federal employees.
A Taste of Police State
If governments did not mislead their citizens so often, there would be less need for secrecy, and if leaders knew they could not rely on keeping the public in the dark about what they are doing, they would have a powerful incentive to behave better. – Peter Singer
Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of. – Bill Moyers
The federal building is a microcosm of the federal government. When it comes to privacy and secrecy, the premise is simple:
- Maximum secrecy for the government
- Minimum privacy for the citizen, 4th Amendment be damned
I went through the checkpoint where visitors’ IDs were checked, belts and keys removed, cameras and camcorders confiscated, bags X-rayed, and bodies passed through the metal detector. On the positive side, I did not get a patdown.
After meeting up with the Bosworths in the lobby, we boarded an elevator to the 7th loor where we were greeted by a sign warning that “NO CAMERAS RADIOS OR RECORDING DEVICES ALLOWED ON THE 7TH 8TH AND 9TH FLOORS”. Fortunately, smartphones are OK.
As soon as I entered the courtroom, a DHS agent, warned me that he would remove me from the courtroom if I “pulled out anything electronic out of that backpack”. When I pulled a bottle of water out of the backpack, the agent immediately walked over and gave me the option to either put it away, or get out of the courtroom. When I asked the bald, 5’9″, Caucasian agent with a black goatee and mustache to identify himself, he refused: “You don’t need my name”.
While private recording was strictly verboten, the courtroom was being continuously monitored via cameras by an agent sitting in the lobby, and two agents with earpieces inside the courtroom. At various points during the trial, there were up to seven federal agents in the courtroom, most of them sitting in the back of the room, behind a small handful of Bosworth supporters.
Duggan: AK-47 “Multi-Shot” Magazine
After the rising in honor of His Honor Judge John T. Rodgers, and the introductions, the prosecutor Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew F. Duggan introduced the evidence:
- Video of the arrest
- Map of the south side of the federal court building
- Permit form from the GSA
- Photos of firearms, including:
- Pistol
- Baggie of bullets
- Long-gun with “multi-shot” magazine
The “long gun” is an AK-47, not an air rifle. Clueless.
No Protest, No Permit
According to Mr. Duggan, Anthony Bosworth did not hold a permit to hold a protest in the plaza. Bosworth’s attorney Dave Stevens pointed out that Anthony was neither holding a sign, nor handing out literature. He wasn’t protesting, therefore he did not need a permit.
No Signs on Plaza
Duggan alleged that Bosworth was in violation of 18 USC 930 knowingly carrying firearms on federal property. Stevens retorted that the statute requires that signs designating the plaza as a “gun-free zone” must be posted conspicuously; therefore, the order given by the agent to Mr. Bosworth to leave the courtyard, was unlawful.
Stephen Yewcic: “Bosworth Was Protesting Amendment 10”

The prosecutor called his first witness, Federal Protective Services Officer Stephen Yewcic, who proceeded to recite his long list of accomplishments including serving as an Air Marshal, Airway Heights Police reserve officer, and police specialist for the US military. Yewcic recounted the conversation with Bosworth, and recalled that Anothony was in the plaza “protesting Amendment 10, or the 10th Amendment, or something like that”. It was clear that he did not want to be testifying against Anthony: he was making apologetic statements and repeating that it was Marshal William Downey who made the arrest ad confiscated the weapons.
Yewcic recalled that there were four long guns at the scene: Anthony’s AK-47, Maria’s AR-15, and two rifles carried by the Bosworth children. In addition, he recalled that Anthony had a “Browning” (later referred to by Bosworth as his “Glock 17”) pistol had a loaded magazine, but did not have a round in the chamber (a statement later disputed by Anthony). He said that the AK-47 had the magazine attached, but he could not check to see if it was loaded, because he “is not familiar with that weapon.”
Paul Zambone: “General Knowledge” that Permit Needed to Protest
General Services Administration Facility Manager Paul Zambon was the next witness to testify. He explained the map of the federal property, and mentioned that the parking garage extends under the plaza — a key argument for the prosecution, allowing them to claim that Bosworth was “upon” a Federal Facility.
When asked by Dave Stevens how a person would know that a permit is required to hold a protest, he said it is “general knowledge”.
William Downey: He Wanted to Debate, I Placed him in Handcuffs

Next to testify was U.S. Deputy Marshal William Downey, a 20-year veteran of the force. He described how he rushed to the scene, after someone called him from the control room, saying that there were “people with firearms” in the plaza. Downey described what happened next: “He wanted to debate. I placed him in handcuffs.”
Motion to Dismiss: Denied
Attorney Stevens made a motion based on Rule 29, to dismiss the case. Judge Rodgers denied the motion.
Six Hours in Federal Custody: Irrelevant
When asked to explain what he was doing in the plaza, Anthony explained that he came to Spokane to attend the Kettle Five/10th Amendment rally.
Attorney Stevens: “Describe your six hours in federal custody”
Prosecutor Duggan: “Objection! Relevance?”
Judge sustained the objection.
Bill of Rights the Only Sign on Plaza
Dave Stevens asked Anthony if there were any signs on or around the plaza, designating it as federal property, or “gun-free zone”.
— No. The only sign I saw, was the Bill of Rights.
Isn’t it True that You WANTED to Get Arrested?
I thought this only happened in Hollywood courtrooms. In a desperate attempt to get Anthony to implicate himself, Duggan charged at Bosworth: “Isn’t it true that you wanted to get arrested?”
Anthony responded without hesitation: “Absolutely not.”
Duggan: Why Do You Need Ammunition to Exercise Your Rights?
The absurdity of the question raised a chuckle out of the audience. Understandably, Bosworth looked dumbfounded, and asked to clarify.
— Why do you need a round in the chamber?
— For the same reason I need the gun: for self-defense. To protect myself, my family, and other citizens.
The comical exchange that followed, made it absolutely evident that the prosecutor did not mis-speak; he really could not understand why a person needs a loaded gun, to exercise his 2nd Amendment rights.
Maria Bosworth: “I Don’t Always Listen to Him”
The biggest laugh of the day came from Maria’s exchange with attorney Dave Stevens:
— When Anthony asked you to stop filming, why didn’t you?
— I don’t always listen to him.
— I think a lot f husbands can sympathize!
— I felt that something may go wrong, and I wanted to record it.
Selective Enforcement
The guilty verdict is not surprising — I mean, who nowadays expects justice from a federal court? What is also not surprising, is the cowardice of the federal government.
I took part in the March 6 rally, an act of civil disobedience against the tyranny of the federal government. I was in the same plaza where Anthony Bosworth was arrested by the federal agents, carrying a Mosin Nagant rifle on my back. There were 100 or so other patriots armed with AK-47s, AR-15s, and a variety of other firearms, who defied the judge’s orders and held a protest on what she claimed was “federal property”. None of us got arrested.
There were armed people in that same plaza, on the very day of the verdict. None of them got arrested, either.
Selective enforcement is a form of legal abuse, and a threat to the rule of law. The federal government doesn’t have the guts to jail one hundred armed Americans, but they want to make an example of Anthony Bosworth.
At times like these, we must put away our differences and stand together. You don’t have to agree with Anthony on every issue or tactic, but as a patriot, you should offer him your support.
Share his story. Pray for him. Send him money. Tell him you are standing with him. And ridicule the cluelessness of those who ask why we need ammunition to exercise our God-given right to keep and bear arms.
Appeals are expensive. If you wish to help Anthony financially, send your donations via PayPal: Edkrumpe@hotmail.com, or by check/money order to 750 Dusty Lane Yakima, WA 98903.